Joel D Kopple Award 2018
Mrs. Rajalakshmi Ravi , Tanker Foundation, India

Joel D Kopple Award 2016
The winner of the Joel Kopple Award:
Carlo Castro Mexico

Joel D Kopple Award 2015
The winner of the Joel Kopple Award:
Dr Ayla San MD
President of the Anatolian Kidney Foundation
Ankara, Turkey

Joel D Kopple Award 2014
The winner of the Joel Kopple Award:
Dr Maria Biancchi, President of the
Fundacion Renal del Nordeste Argentino,
Resistencia,Chaco Province, Argentina

Joel D Kopple Award 2013
Kidney Foundation of Bangladesh awarded Joel D Kopple award in 2013 in the annual meeting of 2013 held in Mexico.
The Joel Kopple Award was resented to Professor Harun Ur Rashid President of the Kidney Foundation of Bangladesh by Professor Guilermo Garcia, President of the IFKF – WKA during the Annual Congress of the American Society of Nephroogy. Also present were Professor Sudhir Shah, Council Member, left in picture and Mr Paul Beerkens CEO IFKF -WKA right in picture.

Joel D Kopple Award 2012
Miguel Riella handed out together with Guillermo Garcia Garcia and Joel Kopple the award to Bill Couser (past President ISN) at the official reception and dinner of the American Doctors of Indian Origin (November 2012). Bill Couser receives the Joel D. Kopple Award for World Kidney Day Contributions and for the support to the IFKF – WKA.

Joel D Kopple Award 2011
This year the Joel D Kopple Award was awarded to Randall Lou Meda (second from left) from Fundanier, Guatemala for his and his team’s outstanding work for children with kidney disease.
For more information about Fundanier please visit www.fundanier.org.gt (Spanish website)

Joel D Kopple Award 2010
The Joel D Kopple Award 2010 was presented to Ajit Pereira of the Kidney Transplant Support Foundation for their innovative development of a critically needed National Organ Donor Program in Sri Lanka. This program creates an opportunity for the public to donate kidneys and save lives of patients with End Stage Kidney Disease.
This was the first time that the Joel D Kopple Award was presented.

Joel D Kopple Award (JKA)
The Joel D Kopple Award (JKA) will be awarded once a year by a Jury to a Council Member organisation or individual Member or Associate Member for outstanding performance re. kidney disease – detection, prevention, treatment, care – during the IFKF – WKA Annual Meeting. A panel of 3 individuals, appointed by the President, will form the Jury.
Outstanding performance refers to any initiative or action resulting in a considerable and visible short term or long term internal or external impact. Internal impact can be growth in finances, membership or other organizational attributes, improved management, professionalizing etc of the organisation. External impact can be any initiative or action resulting in the improvement of detection and prevention of chronic kidney disease, treatment of kidney disease or care of the kidney patient. Measurement of outstanding performance will be considered in the context of the local environment and resources (income, financial resources, manpower, skill sets) available to the nominated organisation or individual at the time of the contributions.
Please read the procedure and guidelines, that can be downloaded here:
We are looking forward to your nominations.