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World Kidney Day at Hong Kong 2017
We promoted Healthy life style – Eat smart, Do more exercise, via a drama by healthcare professionals and exercise dance with our patients. We also measured BMI for HK citizens – to alert them on their status (red and green balloons for BMI above or below 25).

The National Kidney Foundation of India celebrated World Kidney Day 2017
The National Kidney Foundation of India celebrated World Kidney Day 2017 by organising activities on march 9 and March 16. On both these days the Foundation in association with Government Agency distributed kidney related literature in addition to deliver lectures to bring home the message that healthy life leads to healthy kidneys and kidneys failure is treatable. On 16 March a special Free Kidney Check up Camp was organised which received a very healthy response. Again on April 27 they are organising Free Kidney Check up Camp with special emphasis on Senior Citizens.
Col Satnam Singh, Executive Director, National kidney Foundation India, MUMBAI – INDIA
UC Irvine Health World Kidney Day
UC Irvine Health held a World Kidney Day celebration for the community on March 18 that featured informational lectures, health screenings and kidney-friendly snacks.

The program featured nationally recognized speakers in areas of nephrology, urology, transplantation and nutrition.
Faculty speakers:
Dr. Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh
Dr. Jaime Landman
Dr. Uttam G. Reddy
Dr. Connie M. Rhee
Vanessa Rojas-Bautista, RDN

The crowd also heard remarks from kidney transplant recipient Frank Maggelet, who shared his moving story of receiving a kidney from the spouse of a fellow Coast Guard veteran. In between lectures, attendees had the opportunity to participate in a health fair with free screenings, including blood pressure, BMI and kidney ultrasound. Physicians also met with attendees one on one to talk about overall health.
The event benefitted overall awareness of kidney health and provided insight into how UC Irvine Health is transforming the future of kidney care.
The latest dialysis technology — Hemodiafilteration — was inaugurated at SIMS hospital on the occasion of World Kidney Day. Mrs. Latha Kumaraswami represented TANKER & IFKF

Read more on the Tanker Foundation Website
Turkish Kidney Foundation March 9 World Kidney Day Activity Report
“Fighting Againts Childhood Obesity and Chronic Kidney Disease”
Turkish Kidney Foundation’s activities are based on childhood obesity and its effects to CKD.
Turkey has prominent healthcare issues about obesity. Almost 30% of total population suffers obesity due to lack of exercise and unhealthy nutrition habits. 1,8 million children under the age of 18 are obese out of 3 million total obese population.
Government, NGO’s and individuals have initiatives in order to prevent this condition, however most of the people are unaware its drastic effects on future kidney health of children and the adults.
This year on WKD, Turkish Kidney Foundation has focused on healthy nutrition and regular exercise to fight against childhood obesity, in relation with CKD.
First, an animation video was produced to capture children’s attention. Story is about an obese boy who desired to fly and his efforts to lose weight to reach his ambition.
Then, another video was shot with two celebrities and five young athletes of UPS Sports Club, that is also our contributor on WKD.
On World Kidney Day morning, academicians, celebrites, hundreds of students and NBA experienced famous basketball players met at the UPS Sport Club. Press members were invited to spread this activity and the day through mass media.
President of Turkish Kidney Foundation Timur Erk made the opening speech and addressed the childhood obesity and the future effects on population’s health, the public health issues regarding kidney health and the role of individuals, society and governing bodies.
A pediatric nephrologist and a pediatric endocrinologist from Marmara University added the scientific knowledge in the medical perpectives.
Samples of unhealthy snacks and healthy snacks were displayed on the table, so the audience were informed about healthy food choices and their effects on total body health.
After the opening ceremony, two celebrites who acted on the exercise video invited 60 girls and 60 boys to the ground and exercised daily essentials such as plank, squat, push-ups, etc together, where two obese costumed kids show how they could not afford to make these exercises. (All transferred to mass media.)
After this session, two NBA players and children played basketball.
All the young attendants from nearby school were presented a kidney-figured button-pin and other guests were presented their appreciation awards.
The other aspect of the World Kidey Day was publicity. Digital signage, billboards and CLP’s have been commonly used throughout the country. In different 26 cities, our 2017 WKD campaign took place at billboards, CLP’s (horizontal billboards), informative screens at pharmacies and hairdressers, outdoor mass screens at city centers and crossroads, indoor screens at shopping malls, airports, subway stations, intercity buses, sea-buses, hospitals and at the entrance ad indoors of a huge warehouse complex in Istanbul.
In addition to all these activities, we organized a contest among elementary school students. We asked them “what wouldn’t you do if you were obese?” and to express their thoughts and ideas by drawing a picture, taking a photo and sooting a short video. Amazing feedback returned and we shared them on our Facebook account. Based on the number of likes they get, we announced the winners and each category. Rewards for individual winners are bicycles and a camera for the winner of video category as a group.
Press coverage: 324 online news, 24 broadcast on 9 national TV channel prime-time news, 77 published articles on national and local newspapers.
Seminar at rotary club in Cairo

WKD event organized in Mansoura, Northern Egypt

Creating a World Kidney Day wow!

‘Kidney’ was the word on thousands of lips on 9 March this year. Fundraisers and volunteers all around the UK took to the streets, hospitals and the airwaves to raise awareness of kidney disease and drum up support for the kidney cause as part of World Kidney Day.
Read more on news page: Creating a world kidney day wow!