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Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology in South Asia: Case definition and research priorities” core group meeting at Madras Medical mission hospital

CKDu is an emerging challenge is select districts in India and Sri Lanka. CKDu mostly affects farmers in the rural areas who have poor access to health care. The purpose of the meeting was to bring together the experts from nephrology and public health to review the existing knowledge and discuss the research priorities. The meeting participants included nephrologists from various institutions,pathologosts and public health researchers and other stakeholders.

The CKDu core group meeting was organised by Tamilnad Kidney Research Foundation (TANKER) Foundation with technical support from Indian Council of Medical Research. The main discussion was on coming to a consensus about the definition of CKDu and the priority areas for research to take forward the cause of CKDu. CKDu has been found to be prevalent in pockets of Andhra Pradesh, Orissa ,Sri Lanka especially in rural areas where the economically backward people have been affected .More research needs to be done and the group felt that it was important for government and corporates to be involved to study this and create more awareness and find the causes and how to deal with this.The group explored the ways to develop a strong community to advocate for the research and interventions for CKDu in affected areas.